Teaching of automatic pipeline welding machine
Teaching is a man-machine interactive interface for teaching automatic pipeline welding machine. At present, there are three ways for teaching automatic pipeline welding machine:
1) Hand to hand teaching is also called whole process teaching, that is, people hold the end of the mechanical arm of the pipeline automatic welding machine and drive the pipeline automatic welding machine to operate once according to the actual task. In this process, the computer of the pipeline automatic welding machine controller records the position and attitude values of each joint point by point without coordinate conversion. When reproducing, it is taken out point by point. This teaching method requires a lot of computer memory, and the teaching accuracy cannot be very high due to the resistance of the mechanism. At present, it is only used on automatic welding machines for painting and spraying pipelines.
2) Teaching box teaching means that people operate the pipeline automatic welding machine through the teaching box for teaching. This is the most commonly used teaching method of pipeline automatic welding machine. At present, this method is adopted by the automatic welding machine for welding pipeline.
3) Offline programming teaching means that there is no need for people to operate the pipeline automatic welding machine for on-site teaching, but can be programmed on the computer according to the drawing, and then transmitted to the pipeline automatic welding machine controller. It has the advantages of not accounting for the working hours of pipeline automatic welding machine, convenient optimization and safer, so it is the direction of development in the future.
The teaching box of automatic welding machine for welding pipeline is connected with the control box through cable. People can hold the teaching box to teach at the most intuitive position near the workpiece. The teaching box itself is a special computer. It constantly scans the functions, number keys and joystick on the box, and sends information and commands to the controller. The teaching boxes of pipeline automatic welding machines of various manufacturers are different, but their goal is to facilitate the operator.
There are three main types of keys on the teaching box of pipeline automatic welding machine:
1) Teaching function keys, such as teaching / reproduction, saving, deletion, modification, inspection, zero return, linear interpolation, circular interpolation, etc., are used for teaching programming.
2) Movement function keys, such as knife movement, y movement, Z movement, forward / reverse movement, 1 ~ 6 joint rotation, are used for teaching to operate the automatic pipeline welding machine.
3) Parameter setting keys, such as speed setting of each axis, welding parameter setting, swing parameter setting, etc.